Brian & Rachael
Elopement Ceremony
Swinton Park Hotel, Ripon
24th June 2023
Pre-ceremony preparations yesterday!
My “Mary Poppins” bag holds everything for all eventualities.
Spare safety pins and scissors were needed here to help secure Brian’s buttonhole.
This was such a special moment for him… Opening a box of delights from his wife-to-be which contained meaningful gifts.
A miniature bottle of his Grandad Opa’s favourite whiskey to drink in his memory and a tiny picture of Grandpa to wear behind Brian’s now tie so that he was very present in the ceremony.
🧾Letters from his family
A video from Rachael describing her happiness since meeting Brian.
Love so eloquently expressed and experienced.
The Elopement Ceremony
What an honour it was to witness the heartfelt vows of love shared at Brian & Rachael’s elopement ceremony today at Swinton Park Hotel.
We found the perfect setting on the estate… I think this should forever be known at “Tate Gate!”
This pretty iron gate was a beautiful backdrop within the flower/herb garden on the estate.
It was TOASTY hot and the champagne had to be kept cool in the shade of the trees. 🥂
Brian FaceTimed his family in the USA just before the ceremony. His nephew thought that Uncle Brian looked like James Bond in his tuxedo and his niece said he looked as handsome as a prince.
And Rachael certainly looks like a princess.
What a special day and so lovely to work alongside the fabulous Tasha@opperhillphotography.
I was honestly holding my breath as Brian and Rachael shared their personal vows and promises on Saturday at this sacrosanct part of their elopement ceremony.
The moment was so intimate, emotional and profound as they spoke of their deep love for each other and their joy of having found each other.
Andy, Tasha@opperhillphotography and myself were all filling up…( There was quite alot of quiet sniffing and eye-wiping👀!)
The moment when they passed over that threshold.
That moment after your ceremony when you have experienced such intense feelings of happiness, nerves, excitement and relief….
Clapping, a fist pump, whooping and even a small dance of joy are all gorgeous expressions of that moment when you know that “you did it! “
For lovely Rachael and Brian, it was sunglasses on 😎, bubbly opened 🍾🥂 and a lovely chat about their honeymoon trip navigating the English roads and rules!
What a magical day🎉
Then ♥️ Now ❤️ Forever

Photographer :Tasha@opperhillphotography
We could not have been happier with the ceremony you so brilliantly crafted for us.
You captured the essence of us as a couple and bought to reality the intimate ceremony we envisioned for our wedding day.
We recently shared with family the video footage of the day and they loved it!
Everyone was impressed at how personalised, thoughtful and touching the ceremony was.
You immediately put us st ease and Brian appreciated the help with his boutonniere and preparation.
We also very much appreciated you working with Tasha to find the perfect place to tie the knot.
We could not recommend you more as a celebrant or as a person and are very grateful that we were able to work with you to make our elopement what it was.