George’s Yorkshire Garden Naming Ceremony – 25th September 2021.
“Perfectly perfect in every way!”
How adorable is gorgeous George?!
Jonny and Sally have chosen such a strong, confident, courageous, dragon-slaying name which totally suits him!
Here he is with his daddy and his very first little cricket bat which was signed by all of the guests who were lucky enough to be invited to George’s special Naming Day ceremony.
We included the symbolism of the sand ceremony too which big sister Martha absolutely loved! It has made for a unique keepsake too.
Kind words
Sally (mum) “It was such a wonderful day- thank you so much for making it so special.”
Jonny (dad) “Thank you – you were absolutely fantastic.”
Granny “Oh my goodness! What a wonderful job you did. A truly memorable ceremony.
You are so outstanding at what you do and make things perfectly perfect in every way.”
George’s informal, relaxed, happy and celebratory ceremony truly welcomed this beautiful little boy with everyone joining in the final blessing for him taken from “Wishes for a child” by Joanna Miller.